
The basic route of the day’s event has remained the same since the play’s inception in 1967 with the first performance at one end of Middleton and stopping at most pubs on route before ending up at the Ring o’Bells.

In earlier times the performances used to start at about 10.30 and finish at 3pm, racing to meet the 3pm Last Orders. Around the time of the Millennium the route was shortened by cutting out Rodes and making the first performance the Dusty Miller at midday. This was due to the fact pubs now have more flexible opening hours, which means they no longer shut at 3pm and as a result it is rare to see much of crowd on the earlier performances.

The current route is as follows:

Dusty Miller
Old Roebuck
Britannia Inn
Possible outside Performance dependant on Weather
Harbord Harbord
Assheton Arms
Old Boar’s Head
Ring o’ Bells

Other pubs we have previously performed in include:

Carter’s Arms
Barber’s Arms
Middleton Archer
New Inn
The Joiners
The Bricklayers, the White Hart
The Who’d a Thowt it’
The Albion